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Is this blog an excuse to talk about my love of football? Yes. Will you learn a thing or two about blogging in the process? I hope so. Football is one of my favourite interests outside of work, and despite being a Spurs fan who is still adjusting life without Harry Kane, I still enjoy my football. Another reason why I love football is because of Fantasy Premier League, the game that casts you in the role of a fantasy manager of Premier League players.

For those unfamiliar with Fantasy Premier League, you are allocated a budget and must choose 15 players for your team. Each time a player on your team plays in real life, you get points. If that player plays well and scores a goal, for example, you get more points. The manager with the most points at the end of the season wins.

Every year I play this game, along with 11+ million others. More importantly, I play against friends and family to see who can create the best team and boast about having the best knowledge of football. You may be wondering: What does all of this have to do with blogging? Well, each year at the beginning of the season, along with others, I Google tips and strategies on how to pick the best team throughout the season. As I read through the top pages, I realise that many of these tips and strategies can be implemented when blogging., a football news website, in particular, has a good blog on the best fantasy football tips for a strong season, which I’ve listed their advice below, along with how each can be used to write an effective blog.

1. No need for two expensive goalkeepers

Blog advice: Focus on one topic.

When picking your team, you choose 15 players. However, only 11 players play a game of football. The extra 4 players go on your bench, and are there as backup if any of your starting 11 players don’t play. Goal’s first tip is not to pick two expensive goalkeepers, as only one can get you points for the week.

When blogging, choose one strong topic as a focal point instead of several, as writing about one topic allows you to delve deep into that subject, providing your readers with more comprehensive and valuable information.

2. Have a strong bench

Blog advice: Cover all areas of that topic.

If one of your starting players doesn’t play due to injury or any other reason, then one of the extra players on your bench will take their place. However, if that player also doesn’t play, then they won’t earn you any points either. Therefore, it is important to have players on your bench who also play frequently.

When writing your blog, make sure you go into depth and cover all areas of that topic. Some readers might be looking for a specific answer, which they won’t find in your blog if you don’t cover all areas. This will also help with your search engine results, as search engines like Google value comprehensive and high-quality content. By covering all aspects of a single topic, you’re more likely to create a blog that provides valuable information to users.

3. Beat a price rise

Blog advice: Ensure your blog is accurate and up-to-date.

Each player has a value, and each week with Fantasy Premier League, you are allowed to transfer 1 player. However, if a player plays well, a lot of managers will transfer that player into their team, which will cause that player’s value to go up. This increase in value makes it harder for you to afford that player within your allocated budget.

With blog posts, it’s important to keep them up-to-date with the latest and accurate information. Google values fresh and current content, so if you don’t update your blog, it will only negatively impact your search engine ranking.

4. Leave transfers & team changes as long as possible

Blog advice: Ensure your content remains accurate in the near future.

Although beating the price rise with players can be beneficial, it’s important not to rush into a transfer. A player who performed well this week might not perform well the next week, especially if they are facing a stronger team in the upcoming week.

The same can be said when blogging. While it’s important to keep your content fresh and up-to-date, you should also ensure your content remains accurate and relevant in the near future. For example, if you have a blog about current clothing trends and you want to update your content to include shorts, consider whether shorts will still be in fashion if a sunny day suddenly turns into a rainy day.

5. Take note of bargain players

Blog advice: Include content that your competitors aren’t covering.

When choosing players, it’s easy to overlook lower-valued players as your attention is often drawn to high-quality players like Erling Haaland. However, it’s important to keep an eye out for lower-valued players, as they might not be selected by many. They can provide a significant points boost if they play frequently and perform well.

When blogging, it’s important to search your chosen topic on Google and read through the competition / top page results. Take note of any areas they aren’t covering, and add that information to your blog. By discussing areas your competition isn’t addressing, your blog becomes more in-depth and valuable for your readers. Over time, this can help boost your search ranking results.

6. Know your set-piece takers

Blog advice: Incorporate statistics and facts in your blogs.

Mohamed Salah takes penalties, and James Ward-Prowse takes free-kicks. Knowing these facts before the game begins can influence managers to choose these players, as they are likely to score more points than most due to having more opportunities to score goals.

Including statistics and facts in your blogs can significantly enhance the quality and credibility of your content. They are easy to read, make your content interesting and engaging, and add educational value to your blogs. Facts are also easier for search engines to scan, increasing the likelihood of your blogs ranking higher.

7. Carefully select your captain

Blog advice: Choose a topic that people will search for.

Each week in Fantasy Premier League, you must choose a captain for your team. The player you choose will score double points for your team, making it very important to select a player with a high chance of scoring points. This is why choosing a strong captain can significantly enhance your points tally for the week.

When choosing a blog topic to write about, it’s important to first search that topic on search engines and conduct a keyword research to determine if it’s frequently searched for. Writing about an unpopular topic can result in minimal views and engagement, rendering your efforts less worthwhile.

Learn more on how to blog about topics people are searching for.

8. Use your wildcard wisely

Blog advice: Don’t be afraid to start over if views don’t come your way.

Each manager has something called a wildcard, which allows you to make unlimited transfers before the next gameweek. This is an extremely handy feature to have, especially if your team is struggling to earn points. Instead of the slow process of making just one transfer a week, you can completely overhaul your squad in a week. This is particularly useful if you haven’t had the best start to the season.

Sadly, more often than not, when you write a blog, it may not rank high on Google or any other search engines. You might continue to update your blog in hopes of achieving better search engine results, but unfortunately, they may never come. This is why you shouldn’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board and start again. This approach allows you a blank canvas to research and implement a better blog the second time around.

9. Don't forget about your chips

Blog advice: Remember to share your content.

The final advice from Goal for Fantasy Football Managers is to not forget about your chips. In addition to your wildcard, managers have three extra chips that can be used once a season, including a triple points for your captain chip and a bench boost chip that allows all 15 players in your squad to score points for one gameweek. These chips are also extremely handy for gaining extra valuable points.

Once you have your blog written and posted, don’t forget to feature your blog on the homepage of your website and share it on any social media platforms and newsletters you may have. Each of these digital marketing tools can provide an extra boost in views and brand visibility, helping you rank higher on search engines.

Final Thoughts

Finally, draw inspiration from other unrelated topics around you. This approach can help you think outside the box and come up with creative ideas to stand out against the competition. No one wants to read the same thing over and over.

Hopefully, my love for football and passion for digital marketing has provided you with a refreshing perspective on an already overcrowded topic, and has offered valuable tips and advice to help you write your next blog.

Rhys Britton

I’m Rhys, an experienced digital marketer with a passion for helping startup businesses and freelancers succeed online. Through my blog, I share practical tips and advice on SEO, social media, and blogging to help you enhance your online presence. Follow me on Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram.

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